If one of the “good guys” wins the presidential race — an individual who reports to the “people”, truly puts the the welfare of all citizens ahead of Wall Street, the big banks, the military-industrial complex, the ruling elite and other powerful special interests, thus serves the needs of the all citizens, not just the wealthy elite — then he or she will need a Congress that supports and promotes the “people’s agenda”.
And if one of the “bad guys” wins — as has happened for decades, subjecting our nation to economic plunder, endless war, corporate welfare, pay-to-play politics, divide-and-conquer tyranny, thus cheating everyday citizens out of their fair share of our vast national wealth — we need a Congress that will stop the decline and keep the worst from happening. We’ll need a Congress that will stop the looting of our economy, the wanton destruction of the environment, the promotion of militarization, the marginalization of everyday citizens, the attack on privacy and human rights, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny elite.
So either way, we need a “people’s Congress”. We need men and women in our legislature who report to and fully represent the needs and priorities of everyday citizens, not special interests, not corporations, not banks, not Wall Street, not the rich and powerful.
Everyone should decide for themselves who would be the best person to sit in the White House.
At the same time, keep in mind . . .
Congress creates and passes the laws that shape everything about our nation: how we treat our citizens, our freedoms, our responsibilities, our relations with every other country on the planet, how we treat the planet itself, war and peace, our economy, our politics, our infrastructure, our monetary and banking system . . . EVERYTHING!
For there to be any progress, for our country to start functioning again, for everyday citizens to have a voice in shaping the future they want for themselves and future generations, WE MUST ELECT A CONGRESS THAT TRULY REPRESENTS AND SERVES THE PEOPLE!
And the Contract For American Renewal identifies and fully commits those running for office to listen to, to represent and serve the people . . . with honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability.